Jimpy Days

This is what is going on in my life. Sometimes I feel that people don't have any idea of what my day-to-day living is all about or what it entails. Hopefully these postings will help those wanting, gain a better perspective of what my lifestyle is.

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Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

I live in Tempe Arizona, within the Valley of the Sun, and work at Arizona State University. I am the Associate Director of the Disability Resource Center where I have worked for over 24 years. I love my job but most of all I love my family and all the friends who support me.

Monday, January 23, 2006

One down, 15 to go.

Today we began the second week of the Spring semester at Arizona State University. One week down, 15 more to go.

The beginning of each semester is always a very busy time for all of us who work at the Disability Resource Center. There are new students to become familiar with along with all of the students returning from previous semesters.

It’s particularly busy this time of the semester simply because all of the students need to arrange whatever accommodations they may need. It’s very likely that your entire day is scheduled with back-to-back appointments with students every half hour. By the end of the day you’re exhausted, just want to go home, have something to eat and relax for a while. Then you repeat that same scenario the every day for the first two weeks at least.

We’re very fortunate in our office to have a staff that is not only excellent at what they do but are also dedicated to the extent that they thrive off of this seemingly craziness. It’s what our careers are all about and it’s probably the most rewarding time of year from a personal standpoint. A close second is commencement.


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