Jimpy Days

This is what is going on in my life. Sometimes I feel that people don't have any idea of what my day-to-day living is all about or what it entails. Hopefully these postings will help those wanting, gain a better perspective of what my lifestyle is.

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Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

I live in Tempe Arizona, within the Valley of the Sun, and work at Arizona State University. I am the Associate Director of the Disability Resource Center where I have worked for over 24 years. I love my job but most of all I love my family and all the friends who support me.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Am I getting old?

Today the commencement ceremonies for the Fall 2005 semester were held here at Arizona State University.

I've been working here at ASU for 20+ years which means this was my 41st commencement. That's not counting the commencement ceremonies held at the end of each summer session. Nor does it include the 6 commencements I experienced while working at the University of Arkansas for three years.

Last night while lying in bed I was pondering the thought that I have experienced so many commencement exercises. That led me to realize that I have been working here at ASU longer than some of my PCA's have been alive.

Does that make me feel old, or what?


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